Bike Tech Tips: How to Adjust Bike Derailleur from a Maui Bike Shop — West Maui Cycles | Maui's Best Bike Shop

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Maui Bicycle Blog and Maui Adventure Activities blog, West Maui Cycles

Maui's Best Bike Shop for 28 years! Carbon Road Bike rentals at West Maui Cycles in Lahaina. Check back regularly for updates on everything Bike on the Maui Bicycle Adventure Blog. Connect with @WestMauiCycles on STRAVA and @wmcycles on Intstagram at #westmauicycles

Bike Tech Tips: How to Adjust Bike Derailleur from a Maui Bike Shop

James Boote


Are you getting your bike ready for next summer or maybe a bicycle vacation? Thinking about touring Maui by bicycle? If you aren't renting a bike on Maui, you'll want your bike prepared and ready before the trip enabling yourself to start your Maui bike vacation soon after the plan lands. Regardless of getting your bike ready for winter or a bike vacation on Maui, the following bicycle maintenance video, from, provides a short tutorial demonstrating how to adjust the front derailleur on a bicycle:

And in another bike maintenance video, thanks to Mellow Johnny's bike shop in Austin TX, demonstrating how to adjust your rear derailleur:


If you found these bicycle maintenance tech tips informative and helpful in keeping your bike in ride ready condition, please leave a note in the comments section below. If you need bike reapair on Maui, including derailleur adjustments or a complete bicycle tune-up, head to West Maui Cycles full service bike shop in Lahaina. In addition to repairing bicycles, our bicycle shop sells bikes and we rent performance road bikes for bicycling touring on Maui. If mountain bike riding on Maui is included in your list of perfect bicycle vacations, then rent one of our full suspension mountain bikes. Maybe the Specialized Comp 29'er?

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