There are not many roads on Maui, but what little roads we do have offer some of the most visually breathtaking and exciting rides you can experience. Most of the major roads and highways have a shoulder or bike lane, as indicated on the Maui County Cycling Map (just assume that any road marked “most suitable” has a shoulder). That being said it doesn't mean those are the "best" roads to ride on.
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This is the world famous "Cycle To The Sun" a 10,000ft/3048m climb over 36mi/58k that takes you from Maui's North shore Pa'ia (Pah-ee-ah) town through Makawao (mah-kah-wow) town then up to Kula (koo-lah) and finally on to the famous "ribbon road" to Haleakala (Hah-leh-ah-kah-lah) summit. Don' be fooled, it is no easy ride. The gradient is an average of 5% with many corners reaching 8-10% and one short steep climb of 10% for 1/4mi/.4k just out of Makawao. The hardest leg is the last kick to the summit where you are just below 10k and you are faced with another 10% at the summit when you have the least amount of oxygen and your legs are like lead, full of lactic acid.
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